Friday, February 22, 2008

2008 KK CIty Tourism Treasure Hunt Feb 24 2008

Yes, the hunt is ON!!!!!!!!!
The only grouses I have is that the top prize now is WITHOUT the air travel ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can this happen?????????????????


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Well, with the hotshot grandmasters from the west coming to invade our shores, it's not like we have a chance to win that first prize anyway!... hehehe.

    Next time lah... I do the KK Challenge 4 maybe you people got chance lah!

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I forgot to mention—it's been raining practically everyday over the last couple of weeks in KK. So let's all be prepared for a wet, wet, wet hunt!

    Hunting with umbrellas? Hmmm... that would be an interesting change, huh?
