Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Consititution (Perlembagaan) - How Many Times It Was Amended

During some "blow-water" (in Cantonese) session with some of my friends, someone mentioned about the number of times the vital document of our nation had been amended by those "so-called" public-elected "servants" in the Parliament but no one have any exact figures.

Saw this statement in Haris's People's Parliament blog and was surprised, shell-shocked indeed.

* The Malaysian Constitution has been amended some 690 times (50 years of nationhood). The USA has been in existence for more than 200 years and their constitution was only amended 27 times.

for example, just few months ago, the Constitution is amended for matters as trivial as extending the term of office of the Elections Commission officers.

Just wonder if someone had a list of all the amendments done all these years????

That's why it's important the the August house is NOT being dominated with a group of MPs without any right/guts to speak their mind but to blindly follow the "collective consensus" dictated by the biggest stakeholder Ohm-no.


1 comment:

  1. This meant our leader follow the world trend!!!

    USA is outdated!!!
