Saturday, March 01, 2008

Yang Berhormat ???????????????????

Can you imagine our elected representatives shouting eyahhhh......eyahhhhhh....... gosh.
And can you imagine that the speaker is LAUGHING ?????????????????????? Saya punya Tuhan!!!! I rather see them fighting and punching each other like in Taiwan.


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    This bugger really interest me lah CK...when the camera focus on him during parlimen session shown in the news, all my housemates will ketawa habis-habisan lah!! Ya, its always good for MP to voice out their views & debate for the sake of the rakyat but his bugger seems like over doing it, talking or should I say shouting nonsence. The worst thing is, he is from SABAH.....and now I understand why people from the West call us Orang Utan living on trees. No offends but if we r represented by MP like this, I wouldnt blame them. Anyway, my vote is for whoever other than BN....let it be Payung or Kunci who are represented by a 25 or 85 years old, at least they might be better than the current Orang Utan.

  2. VOTE for better Malaysia!!
    (I'm so sad I couldn't be back for the election, but I'm praying hard for better Msia!!)
