Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Politically Frigid

I am having a political-frigid time for now. Well, I still read about them, browsing the usual suspects such as those in my blogroll but I am not intrigued to write about them at all. With all the idiotic display of blatant stupidity of our country's leaders and politicians, I am muak and disgusted and being too saturated gasping for air.

But I will still blog on other stuff like my long-overdue posts on my recent Indonesian trip and soon after the food series end, I will start with Indonesian musics which continues to sizzle me till now. Ipod (borrowed) and car travel audio constantly playing them.


  1. So many twists and turns lately and I believe this certain Datuk Sri AI is not that straight a man either. He looks like "I WANT TO SEEK REVENGE" written all over his forehead.

  2. it's so twisty till i feel pening already. i was kinda hampered by their lack of creativity in tactics employed. sodomy again?

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I dunno if Najib is involve with c4 murder?

    I dunno if Najib's wife is involce in c4 murder?

    I duno if Najib *framed* DSAI?

    But I know Najib declare to wash Chinese blood with Keris in 1980 and his cousin enjoy playing with krisss!

    That's enough not to make him the next PM!

    Badawi is a *good*man,,,

    I mean GOOD mna! Winners take alL!

  4. yeah...some history is just uneraseable. speaking of which DSAI also did sth unforgettable right?

  5. I agree with you and maybe I should also follow your footstep.

  6. oh mave, you can't follow me!!! where should i go and read then???
