Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Citizen Nades of theSun was "visited " by Police (My mulut ternganga - my mouth wide open in disbelief)

Citizen Nades wrote a piece on the transfer of fund from Balkis worth 9.9mil and some follow-ups on the issue and he was visited by 2 police officers who want to record his statements in relation to the police investigation of the Balkis transfer. Read it here.

My mulut really ternganga - wide opened in disbelief reading Nades account. Speechless.
I really think the 2 officers were summoned to get Nades to reveal his sources like Nades himself said but the way the officers probing was really appalling. I mean when you watch kung-fu martial art movie, when there is a mou-lam-dai-wui, normally each bong pai will send their best skilled member but apparently in here these 2 gentlemen seems to be the best bet our police force have in their team. So, my mulut really ternganga - wide opened in disbelief AGAIN.


Hope said...

A classic example of 'we are just following orders'. No questions asked. Those policeman probably had no idea of what was the exact content of Nades's article, hence all the stupid questions.

CK said...

they didn't, tat's for sure.

hayes said...

wait... do you even get the Sun in Sandakan?

oh yeah... e-paper.

CK said...

yup, e-paper. no free paper here in EM.