Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Comedy

What a better way to relax on a Saturday afternoon??? Get a laugh....


steph said...

tis is very funny...m still laughing...

Anonymous said...

“ 入党七个月的胡渐彪可以当候选人,以后大家不用投身政治了,因为马华公会只要每年举办辩论会,谁拿冠军就可以成为候选人。“
哇赛!汤木先生... 够胆, 早就应该讲嘛!!


CK said...


wat's sad is the fact tat only now they say it? if they still win this time, then how? too late. voicing it now gives an impression there's a lot of ulterior motive or hidden agenda.

Why MCA?

Bin Bin said...

Yes, too late....

Team B recently so many things to say also...