Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Muka Menyampah 面目可狰

I have to apologize to my blog as what I am gonna do later is to post a link with a video showing a despicable character.

Don't talk shit. Don't talk shit. Don't talk shit.
I, I, I, I, I, I...........................
(sigh....some people really 面目可狰 muka menyampah)

Go see for yourself.

Monday, March 29, 2010

我的私房地图 林悦策划 24 个大马人的旅游版图 My Private Map ( the footsteps of Malaysian backpackers)

(林悦策划 24 个大马人的旅游版图)
My Private Map ( the footsteps of 24 Malaysian backpackers)

A compilations of travel stories of 24 Malaysian backpackers.
Wondering when will be my next trip.......

you can check out some of the contributors' travel blog here:


I think the Chinese title should be 24 个马来西亚人 (24 Malaysians) instead of 24 个大马人 (24 Malayans). Printing mistakes I guess.

The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)

The Men Who Stare At Goats (2009)
Director : Grant Heslov
Cast : George Clooney, Ewan McHregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey and err... Goats
Tagline : No goats, No glory

A successful ensemble of big names and it's Clooney's vehicle again! He shines here as the near lunatic psychic spy of New World Army and it's hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't say it's the best work of the actors, but worth a laugh. In this crazy world, we need some.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Salted Fish 咸鱼

courtesy of Shutterpace @ Pang M.Y.

Life without dream is like salted fish

Saturday, March 27, 2010

小步舞曲 - 陈绮贞

作曲:陳綺貞, 編曲:李雨寰
監製:林暐哲, 填詞:陳綺貞

天空突然下起傾盆大雨 戀人在屋簷下相偎相依
移動我的腳步輕鬆躲雨 人潮擁擠握住濕熱的手心
再也不願想起不快樂的旋律 呼吸這一秒的空氣

還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 
在我心裡翻來覆去 什麼叫做愛情

還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 

夜晚靜靜等著電話響起 時間躺在他去年寄來的信
空蕩的房間我播放著舞曲 旋轉這一秒的孤寂

還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 

還有多少回憶 藏著多少秘密 



It's Cheer Chen's Day 陈绮贞的一天

Gonna be Cheer Chen marathon!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nine (2009)

Nine (2009)
Director : Rob Marshall
Cast : Daniel Day Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, Fergie, Sophia Loren
Tagline : This holiday, be Italian

This movie proved 2 things :
1. All big names won't guarantee a movie's outcome.
2. Same trick won't work twice : Rob Marshall's previous work is Chicago.

Only Cotillard, Dench and Fergie shine. Others? Sorry.

小时代 - 郭敬明 (Updated)

I bought this out of curiosity. 郭敬明 is one of the top earning author in China.

To me, it's just brand name dropping (tonnes of Starbucks, Prada, Gucci etc etc) story; though not appealing to me, I guess it must be appealing to the younger generation in China now hence the popularity. And one thing I can't stand is that he mentioned about his name and books in his novel, a topic of conversation between the characters in his novel. Hmm... tak suka but that's my humble opinion only.

Yasmin Ahmad's Film - Amir Muhammad (Updated)

To those who likes Yasmin Ahmad's movie, it's a good read. Amir Muhammad gave his insights on the movies and many behind the scenes and all those why-why-why moments in Yasmin's movies.

P/S : Yes, my friend, I read your strawberries entry!

Whatever Works (2009)

Whatever Works (2009)
Director : Woody Allen
Cast : Larry David, Evan Rachel Woods, Patricia Clarkson
Quote : That's why I can't say enough times, whatever love you can get and give, whatever happiness you can filch or provide, every temporary measure of grace, whatever works.

Again, with Allen's movie, you either love it or hate it. No grey area what-so-ever. I have limited exposures to his movies, especially those during his funny glorious era but I did watch most of his recent movies including those with his latest muse Scarlet Johannson, (Match Point and Scoop), Anything Else, Melinda and Melinda, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Curse of Jade Scorpion.... But I still haven't watch original DVD Annie Hall (1977) I bought in Paris!!!!

If you watch his movies before and can take it, watch this as it's filled with so many "Woody-Allen"ness channeled through the main character played by Larry David, his alter ego!

If you can't stand movies with dialogues, no matter how funny they are.... avoid this at all cost.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

陀飞轮 - 陈奕讯

作曲 : Vincent Chow
编曲 : Gary Tong
监制 : Alvin Leong

过去十八岁 没戴表 不过有时间
够我 没有後顾 野性贪玩
霎眼廿七岁 时日无多 方不敢偷懒
宏愿纵未了 奋斗总不太晚

然後突然今秋 望望身边 应该有 已尽有
我的美酒 跑车 相机 金表 也讲究
直 到世间 个个也妒忌 仍不怎麽富有
用我尚有 换我没有 其实已 用尽所拥有

曾付出几多心跳 来换取一堆堆的发票
人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
秒速 捉得紧了 而皮肤竟偷偷松了
为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要

劳力是 无止境 活着多好 不需要 靠物证
也不以高薪 高职 高级品 搏尊敬 wo~
就算搏到 伯爵那地位 和萧邦的隽永
卖了任性 日拼夜拼 忘掉了为甚麽高兴

曾付出几多心跳 来换取一堆堆的发票
人值得 命中减少几秒 多买一只表
秒速 捉得紧了 而皮肤竟偷偷松了
为何用到尽了 至知哪样紧要

记住那 关於光阴的教训
回头走 天已暗
你献出了十寸 时和分
可 有换到十寸金

还剩低几多心跳 人面跟水晶表面对照
连自己 亦都分析不了 得到多与少
也许真的疯了 那个倒影多麽可笑
灵 魂若变卖了 上链也没心跳

银或金都不紧要 谁造机芯 一样了
计划了 照做了 得到了 时间却太少 no~
还剩低几多心跳 还在数赶不及了
昂贵是这刻 我觉悟了
在时计里 看破一生 渺渺

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Laduk told Rosie He Wants to "Main"(Play)

From Malaysiakini.....

During the event, Youth and Sports Minister and Kemaman parliamentarian Shabery Cheek started the ball rolling with his opening speech where he recounted Chong Wei's frequent conversations with the premier's wife before and after each game.

According to him, the conversation usually went as follows:

Chong Wei: Datin Seri, Saya mahu main. (I want to play).

Main la puas-puas. (Play till you are satisfied).

And after each win, Ismail said, Lee would call again to tell Rosmah:

Chong Wei: Saya menang! (I won!).

Though I believe sportsmen should refrain from being too close to the politicians but being in Malaysia, they can't really stand against that. However those politicians who capitalize on the matter really don't mind ball-polishing so obviously like the the minister below:

Shabery added that Rosmah is the biggest inspiration and support behind Lee's string of victories.

what can i say? laduk got tell him that kah? this shabery really got cheek to do ball polishing in the public!!!!!!!! beh tahan!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Congrats Laduk

Somehow I was annoyed by TV1's presenter's usage of Juara 1Malaysia. (but again... it's TV1 telecast so I guess he don't have choice for that...remember the mouthful Salam 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia anything and there's a steamboat place in Sandakan callled 1Malaysia Steamboat!!! Gosh!!!)

Anyway, congrats to Laduk for winning the elusive All England. Lin Dan might still be his closest rival in the shortest time but Kenichi Tago and the Sun fella from Korea are two that both Laduk and Super Dan need to be careful of.

Again, congrats Laduk for winning the All England and also making the fashion statement!

Hey, William Sisters and Kournikova Step Aside!!!! Laduk is Also Making Fashion Statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sleeveless on the right to show his muscular right arm!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

All England - Blessing for the Unseeded???

Mixed double won by the unseeded Chinese team.

Women single won by Tine Rasmussen breaking the Chinese monopoly. And gosh.... the gals are trying to outdo their tennis counterpart is it??? Shouting and jumping in glee like school gals!!!

Our laduk is facing the unseeded Japanese later. Hm... it'll be a disaster for him if the he lost to a non-Ling-Dan player.

等待香港 - 林奕华

从我脚尖吻我 - 谢嫣薇

Qur'an and Cricket - Farish A. Noor

What Your Teacher Didn't Tell You - Farish A. Noor

Saya Pun Melayu - Zaid Ibrahim

Multitasking ???

Friends Who Travel XII

Armelle and Cyrill
Champcueil, France

Taken at Calanques, Marseille, France.
Hitched a ride with me from KK to SDK.
Happy Travelling!!!!!!!!!