Saturday, December 29, 2007

达尔文 (Darwin) - 蔡建雅 Tanya Chua

Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist. After becoming eminent among scientists for his field work and inquiries into geology, he proposed and provided scientific evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of natural selection.
But the song below, 达尔文 (Darwin) by Tanya Chua was excellently written. Using the Darwin theory as the theme for a love song is quite refreshing especially in the mushy-mushy ridden love songs from Taiwan. Hm... Now I'm now expecting more love songs written based on other scientific theory or formula? Maybe Bernoulli Principle?......

我的青春 也不是没伤痕
什么特征 人缘还是眼神

保持单身 忍不住又沉沦
人的一生 感情是旋转门

有过竞争 有过牺牲 被爱筛选过程
学会认真 学会忠诚 适者才能生存
懂得永恒 得要我们 进化成更好的人

我的青春 有时还蛮单纯
读进化论 我赞成达尔文

我的替身 已换过多少轮
我的一生 有几道旋转门

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hopefully songs like this will promote interest for science [education] in all celebrity-wannabes! so they won't give shallow answer in singing competition..