Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Froggie Season Again

Hujan oh hujan mengapa engkau turun?
Hujan: Macamana aku tak turun? Katak panggil aku.......

It's official! The froggie season is here. The time when all the trojan show their real face. I here pray all the trojan killed by the best antivirus and all the froggie mati katak. Amen.

Update :
Zahrain said he wants to help BN to regain 2/3 majority again. And we know with 2/3 majority, UMNO can do any amendment to the already severely reconstructed constitution at their whim!!!! Malaysia officially has no hope if this really happen.

1 comment:

Cruel Angel said...


sad, Malaysia politics so immature...

Hopes this transition period will end soon