Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's Ours, NOOOOOOOOO, it's OURS!!!!!!!!

Recently, an Indonesian politician claimed ownership of the song Rasa Sayang and since we are using the song as a campaign lately, we have to pay royalty.

Hm....also read somewhere that another Indian politician claimed ownership of the Bhagwad Gita epic stories as well and since we have a localized version of the Mahabharata epic in the form of Hikayat Pandawan Lima, do we need to pay royalty as well when Mahabharata is claimed?

Reminded me also of the case of South Korean's United Nation World Heritage status of the Dumpling Festival (Duan Wu Jie) which sparked online objection from the mainland China's internet users.

So, siapa punya? Or it will be, HEI, ITU XXXXXX KITA PUNYA ALSO LAH!!!! Bolehlah kan!

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