Saturday, November 12, 2005

Anything Amusing?

Amusement Centre : I found the name itself is amusing.
I came from a small town, which translates into less grandeur hanging out places to hang out at or rather lepak (tis word is so commonly used in our era and it's also a favourite topic in the karangan question which may goes like, "Bincangkan cara-cara untuk mengurangkan gejala lepak di kalangan remaja masa kini") By the way, do they still have questions like this? OK, back to the amusement centre.... So, when I was in the not-so-boring-bigger capital of the state, I am thrilled by the "amusement centre" in one of the shopping complex. I still remember the trip, it's actually a school trip to climb Mt Kinabalu and island hopping in Manukan. And that was the first time I got on a bumper-car and being the pathetic boring kid I was, I was thrilled by the whole thing and hence I still remember it till today. In fact I remember the whole trip; my failure in scaling the mt. peak which I kinda compensated by scaling it twice after that and plan the 3rd time next year; the fun of taking stupid pics in the island with my partner-in-crime (well, we still do that now! what a bunch of immature kidult?); the long journey in an old school bus listening to songs like Cranberries (yeah... you guess how long is tat) and Sandy Lam's "Wound" etc.....

OK, below is the definition of AMUSE; see whether you find it amusing or not?
a·muse ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-myz)tr.v. a·mused, a·mus·ing, a·mus·es
1. To occupy in an agreeable, pleasing, or entertaining fashion.
2.To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure: I was not amused by his jokes.
3. Archaic. To delude or deceive.

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