Saturday, July 12, 2008

Haru Biru

Najib TERHARU dinamakan sebagai pengganti Abdullah. TERHARU = TOUCHED
Again, I was speechless!!!


Jefus said...

Hi, CK,

guys like them do not realise / value, the fact that their utterances are recorded and will be recalled sometime in the future.

nor do they value the fact that the public take in their statements as an indication of their positions in policy making.

it is amazing to wonder who are the people who elect them into office,... what are they peddling to the common folk? fear, more of the same BS and expect to remain in power,..... watta joke!

have a good Sunday

Hope said...

He? Terharu? Such drama.

CK said...

welcome. and agreed. all BS.

drama yang teramat sangat.