Thursday, July 03, 2008

Politically Frigid - Pt 2

I think I know what led to my political-frigidity (is there such a word?) now. It had been so much noise since the announcement of price increase; RPK's SD on Rosmah's presence in Altantuya's murder scene, Najib and Rosmah's deny, of course the small ripples (I said small cox it died off NOW isn't it?) caused by SAPP, then the tried-and-tested-lack-of-creativity plot of a sodomised nation which will surely sizzle up the nation with DSAI as the main character and load bunches of ke-le-fe such as the IGP and AG then the recent "brave" questions of MP Ghapur to AAB's answer on poverty in Parliament and I am damn sure there're more to come.

There're just too much interference; in the sense that the noise is too loud audibly and too distracting visually. With all these interferences, it's hard to listen and see claerly. So, just like hibernation, my frigidity (or frigidness?) will be of temporary basis, until I manage to edit out all these interferences at least.


Anonymous said...

Politics are not for the weak! Who is friends? Who is foes? only time can tell!

CK said...

in that sense, edi mayb you should join politics.

Anonymous said...

I am in a political party but not a MP yet...

Time will tell...

CK said...

bravo edi.
let me know if you run in election.