Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Am Confused.....

In Parliament, Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said his ministry received CRUCIAL information indicating demonstration will be staged on Monday and this was based on "two political speeches, two blogs and two SMS (text-messages)"

Now....I am confused. I thought his boss said just days ago that bloggers should NOT be trusted? And now the minister made such an important decision that caused inconvenience to so many people by the mega-roadblock based on two blogs? Hahahahaha....

In a mature democratic country where a government servant has to be accountable and responsible for his action and its consequences, he has to quickly resign but sorry lah joe.... we are in Malaysia. It'll be flip and forget. Sigh~


Anonymous said...

hmm, klu d Malaysia, perkara mcm ni biasa daaa....

Maverick SM said...

Malaysian Ministers: cakap dan bikin tak sepura - Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

CK said...

betul cakap kamu. dah muak dan lali dah!!!

they all cakap and bikin, berpura-pura. juga tak serupa.