Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Court Case - Long Long Time Ago

I remembered reading something about sensitivity nowadays in our so-called multicultural society nowadays somewhere in Star; the writer Wong Sai-Wan and Marina Mahathir both delved on this issue before. According to them, who has lived longer than me, comparing to the early days of Malaysia days, people are not as sensitive.

Why I brought up this sensitive issue? It's because if the story I'm gonna tell soon happened now, it will be made into some big brohuha. OK, the story is like this......

This new classmate of ours, let's call him K befriends both R and S where one of them is actually Muslim. K is naughty and in a way or other managed to con both of them to eat the food he brought from home, which contain meat that was prohibited. When R realized that, he complained to Teacher J. ( And yes......I was destined to write this post because I bumped into Teacher J just now, like 30 mins before this in Giant. ) Teacher J decided to practise his creative teaching method and set-up a court to trial the case!!! And I still remember he elected a judge and 2 lawyers, both the prosecutor and accused (thanks for the legal advice). Liangmoi was actually one of the lawyer and the other was FPL. The judge was Leslie (well... if you guys still remember her... the runner). I forgot how the case went but I remember what Teacher J said as the conclusion, "Memandangkan kes ini tidak dapat diselesaikan di mahkamah rendah, maka Cikgu akan membawa kes ini ke mahkamah tinggi (jumpa guru besar)" translated as "Since this case cannot be solved by this court, I will bring it to the Higher Court (which in this case, the headmaster).

Well, K was definitely guilty and should be punished. But what I want to bring up is that pulling pranks was one of the things schoolkids do a lot and sometime it didn't do anything to harm the friendship among them. Of course I don't know where're R and S now but I'm sure if K saw them and recognize them, they may remember this old case and smiled about it.

Like Marina and Sai Wan said before, we have to learn to laugh at ourselves sometimes.

P/S : I dunno what's the verdict of the Higher Court. If K is reading this, do drop some lights please.


Cruel Angel said...

Dont take life so seriously noone has yet to survive it. But I am sure K would beat the 2 malay guy to ground nowadays.

CK said...

u din get i mean lah bro.