Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Never Let Your Car Door Unlocked While Stopping

Sent my mom to town and while waiting for her, I double park in the Jalan Gudang area in Sandakan and the area was busy as usual.
Suddenly, a middle-aged man came to my seat window and greeted me with a big smile. I don't know him. He started to said a lot of things and asking about my father and how is he doing....
A : Tak kenal saya ke? Bapak masih kerja sana kah? (Can't recognize me? Your father still work there?)
I was blurred and didn't recognize who he was. At that time, I let my window down a bit, trying to hear clearer what he said.
A : Beritahu bapak, saya takde kerja kat MPS sudah. Sekarang kerja kat JPJ. Lain kali ada saman, bawak bagi saya settle. (Tell your father I'm not working in MPS-municipal hall. Now I'm in JPJ-road trasnport department. Next time, any summon tickets, give me, I can help to settle)
I was even more blurred. However, my suspicion started to building momentum.
A : Nama saya Awang. Bagi tahu bapak, lain kali ada saman, saya boleh settle. (My name is Awang. Tell your father I can settle your summon ticket next time.)
After this, he left but about 10 steps away, he turned back and said,
A : Bapak ada nombor saya? Nah... tulis ini....(Your father has my number? Come on, write this down...)
He walked to the passenger front door and I quickly LOCKED the door.
CK : Takpa, you cakap, I masuk telefon. (It's OK, you say, I enter into the phone)
A : (uttered some number)
He walked away after that and about 10 steps again, he came back to my window and said this,
A : Ada duit kah? Saya habis minyak, lupa bawak dompet. Bagi duit isi minyak sikit. (You have money? My tank is empty, forgot to bring my wallet. Give me some money to fill the tank)
NOW HE SHOWED THE TRUE COLOR As suspected, he didn't know my father or what-so-ever and he just want money. Of course I ignore him and he left after that.
This is not the climax of the story. When I fetch my mom back and told her the incident, she asked me to describe him and she said the same man did the same thing to her few years ago and he even managed to get inside the passenger front seat (my mom drives a school bus, normally not locked at all). Fortunately it was at the petrol station where my mom filled her tank and he left the car when my mom threatened to shout.
So, to ppl of Sandakan, next time if there's a middle-aged man, quite short and plump come approach you in your car, IGNORE HIM AND DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!!!!
P/S : It's a pity cox he still use the same tactics for a few years. However, the fact that he's still using it means that the tactics works~sigh....

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