Thursday, October 09, 2008

When You Are Sick....

... the biggest problem is what you gonna eat. I mean for example when you have a flu or fever, your appetite drop tremendously and you lost your tastebuds; everything tastes plain and flavourless and you stay away from things oily or deep fried etc...

That will leave you with what? Bread. Yeah... and in my case, it will only be the plain sandwich bread; tasteless and err...plain. And when you are done finishing the whole loaf of it and you are still sick like a dog what do you crave for?


I crave for what I call sickness food. I thought it's comfort food but upon checking Wiki, I found out that comfort food is totally another thing. It's not some special menu but basically mom's cooking (yeah....mommy's child!). It can be macaroni or noodles cooked with meat without oil or porridge. Or something like that. It doesn't really matter cox the sickness food will make you heal faster. I guess it's the tender loving care from your families or your loved ones that heal you indeed. For that, I am forever grateful.....


steph said...

Me sick too, but tis morning, at 4am! Woke up with a dizzy attack n all, n damn hungry. Wat to eat at 4am? Dates n biscuits. Finally js had a proper meal of porridge.. itupun from an eatery..n m working graveyard shift tonite..

Helen said...

Big Mac comforts me sick or no sick. But then it's not much of a comfort when it comes to my waistline. lol

CK said...

sorry to hear tat n hope u r ok.

no McD in sandakan...