Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scenes Of A Sexual Nature (2006)

Director : Ed Blum
Seven Couples, Seven Stories, One Common Ground
Sex and love. Some seek it, some need it, some spurn it and some pay for it, but we're all involved in it. Set on one afternoon on Hampstead Heath, London, the film investigates the minutiae of seven couples. What makes us tick?
"Nicely filmed and acted, it's an enjoyable although superficial look at relationships" - Rich Cline, SHADOWS ON THE WALL
One can't be blamed for expecting something very different from how the movie turned out by just looking at the suggestive film title and poster. Spoilers ahead... there's no sex scenes at all. Not even one. Instead, it's an interesting look albeit a little tad superficial just like the comments above but still an enjoyable movie. It's filled with lots of memorable dialogues that never fail to stop me for a while and give it some thoughts. And it all happened in one afternoon in Hampstead Heath, London. It's British so it's gotta be dead-pan and dry humour which I love.
Iris : You see, once you commit yourself to something, however bizarre it might seem to other people, you kind of owe it to yourself to enjoy the experience.


Hope said...

sounds good CK. will find the dvd soon.

CK said...

hope you manage to find it :)

chonge said...

What Iris said was... Wow!

CK said...


you gotta watch the movie. tat's just a fragment of it. iris' story is one of my fav among the seven couples.