I decided to spend my last day of the 3-day pass by visiting Bayon and Ta Phrom again..... yes... again but only this time I will do it early morning to get the best light and also reduced number of visitors. Instead of Mr. Wana, I had Paris (yes, you read it right and I wrote it right too...) as driver this time and he knows Makara, my previous driver in January who doesn't work in Jasmine Lodge anymore.

Taken at the South Gate.
The bad guys on the right.....
And the good one on the left.....
The face on the entrance of the South Gate.

The sideway face of the South Gate.
Is it fate or the world is just too small? The pic above is taken with Mr. Charn who was my tuk-tuk driver who brought me to the Kampung Phlukk where we had a minor motorcycle accident. See [here]. He is still very apologetic about the whole incident and keep apologizing. Meeting him again really made my day.
Started my early day expedition at Bayon, which normally receives tonnes of visitors.
Apsara and the door at Bayon.
Again, the famous carved face in Bayon temple with the early morning sun shining on it.

Arguably the most popular photo-taking spot in the Bayon Temple. But thanks to the early morning timing, I had it ALL BY MYSELF!!!
Another shot taken inside the temple. Love this artsy-fartsy shot.
The left side...
And the right side...
The smil,e the gaze, the knowing look smiling coyly...

Another shot...
Taken by the Germann guy with his Lao wife. The retired German is now residing in Vientiane and they made such a cool couple. Speaking of Laos, my other dream destination.
Another artsy-fartsy shot just utilising the macro mode.
The elephant terrace.
My shot with the elephant trunk.
Yup, it's me again...

Taken by Paris who drove me from Bayon to Ta Phrom.

The Ta Phrom. I finally found some serenity and calming effect in Ta Phrom. Known as the site for The Tomb Raider, there's no Angelina Jolie here but instead lots of local teenagers or youngsters who claimed to know the exact place for the shot featured in the movie and hoping to get some tips from you. Since I am early and alone, I was spared from all those.
Taking cue from the Vishnu god who always portrayed as lying...
And 2...
And 3...
Taken at the 1st inside gate in Ta Phrom; the green moss provide great contrast.

And 2...
And 3...
With the apsara again...
In a rush to take pic before the hordes of tourist swarming in...
The tree : the starring of Ta Phrom

The apsara and the falling pillars.

The tourist pouring in already....with their shouts and giggling.
The kid in Ta Phrom. Showed him this shot after that and he was happy to see himself. That's the only thing I can do.
Thanks to the Canadian gals who helped me with this shot. Of course, I helped them to take some too.
The crawling door?

Taken before crawling in...
Taken at the outer gate area in Ta Phrom.

The Canadian gals jumping gallantly.
Final shot in Ta phrom before proceeding to the Roulos group.
After reading your blog page by page, i notice u take good photo ;) maybe one day you can go photo taking with my fiance. He loves to take photo as well. Maybe u 2 should meet and he can talk n talk n talk n talk non-stop about photography and i'm free from those talks!!! HOORAY!!! hehe :p
Hi Joey,
Yes, I love taking photos but to be frank, my skills is definitely in its infancy. Of course it will b great to learn from the experts but I dun want to be used to help you get away from the endless photography talks hahahhahahaha... just joking.
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